Monday 26 September 2016

Chapter 3: Software for Systems.

In this chapter basically is talk about system software....Like what the tittle saying. =.='
Software is design and create by human to help human to do their job for more fast. Application software is consists of programs designed to make users more productive and assist with personal tasks. There are several type of application software which are business, graphics and multimedia, home/ personal/ educational, game, communication and etc.

From business software, what come our mind? da ta Microsoft office. Microsoft office which include word, excel, power point, outlook, and etc. This is we usually use when doing assignment, presentation, doing accounting, etc. This help us to reduce paper work. When sending document will be more fast compare to mail. Now, just need CLICK, the document or file can send to others.

For graphics and multimedia, will come out anime in my mind. Program under this category major is use to design. For example, auto cad, help engineering to draw plan. Abode Photoshop help photographer to edit the photo. Beside that, video converter can let us convert the format of video. This also allow us to cut and edit video become our desire video.

Web application such as mozila, google chrome, is helping us to surf internet easy. Chat room such as msn, icq, qq, also helping us to communicate with our family and friend from other country. Of cause, when using software, is recommended to use original software to avoid illegal activity.

Friday 9 September 2016

Chapter 2:Fundamentals of the World Wide Web and Internet

Triple WWW which represent a organization the intentionally infects computer networks with computer viruses so as to hinder their normal operation and hack vital information. Oopssss... that is explanation from a game call megaman battle network. So, triple WWW is short form of World Wide Web.

Internet is a worldwide collection of networks that links millions of business, government agencies, educational institutions, and individuals. We can say that what you want to know, our best friend-- MR GOOGLE will have the answer from internet because it serve as search engine. Remember last time, connect to internet is extreme cause a lot of problem. That time the most friendly chat room is ICQ, yet the username is a bunch of number. Now, we can create our own username. Previous is using a copper cable to transmit data which slow if compare to fiber optic cable. Using copper cable, it need to be connect to computer by using cable. Now, we using wireless to gain access to internet.

IP address is a number that uniquely identifies each computer or device connected to the internet. For example, This can access to router of your home internet. A domain name is the text version of an IP address. For example, There are different type of web browser we can use to access web page. For me, I often use google chrome to access internet. Search engine sometimes will help us scan through the key word that we want to search. For example, if we want to find thesis or educational based document, we can add +etd. It will appear all in educational based document.

Now, many people doing their business on facebook,, lazada.  This call E-commerce. E-mail is the transmission of messages and files via a computer network. E-mail program allows us to create, send, receive, forward, store, print, and delete e-mail message. For example, hotmail, gmail, yahoomail, and etc.

Netiquette is the code of acceptable internet behavior. People use it much when texting to other. it have emoji, short form, and etc.

This chapter is full of internet term, which I use but not really understand the behind concept. haha, this is chance for me to understand at least a basic of WWW and internet.

Chapter 1: Basic Introduction to Computers

The first day of computer class, Miss Wan teach us about basic introduction to computer. What is computer, for me, computer is used as play game, watch video, surf internet, do assignment. But the definition for computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory. Hmmmmm, a huge different from what I thought...........

Computer contains many electric, electronic, and mechanical components known as hardware. This come out at tutorial question, I guess I wrote it wrong XD....So it has input device, output device, system unit, storage device, and communication device. This is how a computer perform. If miss one of the device, the computer cannot perform. Can imaging that computer without a mouse.......Quchhhhh

Everything has it advantages and disadvantage. The computer has its advantages and disadvantage. Advantage of computer will be speed, reliability, consistency, storage, communications and etc. Disadvantages of using computers will be health risks, violation of privacy, public safety, impact on labor force, impact on environment and etc. yourself...XP

Nowadays, majority people can’t live without network. Network not only on computer, it also is in mobile phone. We use network to chat, transmit data, share information, gaming, and etc. 

Computer software is also called as program. We need to install the program for us to use the program. For example, printer, game, auto-cad, adobe illustrator, etc. The computer that we using is call personal computer. It function as it name, using to do our own thing. 

We use a lot of computer along over life. We easily can see that many place is using computer to speed up the progress of document and work. Mobile phone is be widely use in many different area. Can we live without mobile phone for 1 day?hmm..... diffidently is hard. Anyway, use computer and mobile phone should be in good manner to avoid the disadvantage of computer.